Looking for something that stands out while blending in like a classy hat should? Then the Statesman Countryman hat is the perfect style for you. A simple, comfortable, lightweight Aussie style, perfect for everyday wear.
- Iconic Australian Brand Statesman
- Excellent Value for Money
- 100% Wool Felt
- Classic Aussie crown shape
- 3 1/2' bound edge
- Genuine soft leather sweatband
- Brim size is 83 mm
- Crown Height is 85 mm
About the Brand:
Mouncastle Hats was established in 1835- Australia's oldest manufacturer. Mountcastle Hats is an importer, exporter, and manufacturer of a variety of seasonal, uniform, military, western, bowls, fashion hats. Mountcastle hats also own and distribute the long standing range of hats called Statesman and Queenslander. Based in Brisbane Queensland, most of their range is designed and developed and distributed from the Brisbane based warehouse, however their factory are all based overseas in Shri Lanka to keep the prices as competitive as possible. Enjoy this large range of well made and priced hats.